Pump Up The Volume Made Me a Podcaster

Pump Up The Volume planted to the seeds to become a podcaster

When I was a kid I recorded the full audio of the film "Pump Up The Volume", not the sound track, but literally the full movie. I would listen to it again and again mesmerized by Christian Slater and his pirate radio station.

pump up the volume

Maybe it was then that planted to the seeds to become a podcaster one day. Or maybe it was my father gifting me a video camera in the 6th grade. He was always an early adopter and I followed suit, curious about tech and digital creativity.

In 2014 I launched the WeAreLATech podcast. It wasn't underground and cool like Slater's basement podcast, but it was before podcasting turned main stream. It was before everyone and their distant uncle wanted to launched a podcast.

When I aired my first episode it was before Gimlet's podcast Startup existed and before Gimlet Media was even conceived. No one then would believe that just a few short years later Gimlet would be acquired by Spotify for $200 million. I knew though... I had a hunch podcasting would follow in the footsteps of YouTube and one day soon become an auditory Goliath like Audible is for books. Call me a trend spotter, as we all know now... it's the reason you're reading this newsletter - having a podcast for your brand is just as essential as having a website for your company.

Question we all want answered is... just how important is it to have a podcast.

  • What will having a podcast really do for us?

  • How can we use podcasting to attract customers for our business?

  • In what ways will podcasting catapult our noterity?

  • What are the processes to repurpose our podcast to create other content?

This newsletter is an experiment. It's an experiment to answer those questions.It's also an experiment to;

  1. see if interviewing the people behind business podcasts help us

  2. find out if I even like doing the work it takes to put this together for all of us

Success is - Doing work that feels like play, fulfills a purpose and gets me paid

Let's start with Play... and I'll see if the other two follow suit.

To kick things off, which podcast would you like to hear more about?

  • Danny Miranda is a full time podcaster with a small podcast who regularly secures A List guests in business like Derek Sivers and Sahil Bloom. His show quickly became a top 1% podcast

  • Creative Elements is by community builder Jay Clouse, who makes a full time 6 figure living with his community and just got slotted as a featured show on the HubSpot podcast network

  • Between Two Mics by the co founders of Squadcast, a remote recording startup, utilizes podcasting to increase their brand awareness. Squadcast is the go to recording platform for ESPN, The Tim Ferriss Show, Google, Spotify and more.

On the poll below go ahead and click on who you'd like to hear from first 🎙

Which Business Podcast Would You Like To Learn About?

of these podcasts which would you like me to deep dive for you;

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See you in the next episode (eh hmmm, newsletter issue)

the girl who gets it done,Espree